Thursday, September 21, 2017

2017 Disney Dream Photo Collection

In August, I was on a 3-Night Bahamian cruise on the Dream.  I took a lot of good pictures with an old camera (but it broke on the second night), but I also have other pictures around the ship.  Enjoy the photos!

One of the round windows at the DCL terminal.

"Golden" Mickeys were on sail at Mickey's Mainsail.

I love the AquaDuck!

The Ship Directory

The napkins were folded so nicely at Royal Palace!

The forward funnel at night.

You can get great views of any of the four ships at Castaway Cay! 

Before the cruise started, we saw a rocket launch at our hotel.  It was really cool!

Next up...

The Wonder!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Friendly Port Canaveral Meet-Up!

Today is a special day.  Why?  The Dream and Fantasy are BOTH in Port Canaveral!  The Dream is docked at the DCL terminal while the Fantasy is at another cruise terminal.  Here is a tweet from PTZtv, the company that broadcasts live video of cruise ports:
The Dream & Fantasy in Port Canaveral!
I thought the next Disney Cruise Line ship meet-up would be in November!  When I got home from school, I was surprised with this amazing news.  To watch the two Dream-Class ships, click here.  When the Dream leaves tomorrow afternoon, I hope there's a horn battle!  I wish I was going on the Dream tomorrow!  I'd get to see the Dream & Fantasy in the same trip!

Here's something completely unrelated:  Remember when I was on the Dream in August?  I took some great pictures, and since school started, I wanted a way to remember these pictures.  My answer... a $100 calculator!  I needed a special kind of calculator this year because I'm taking Algebra 1, and for graphing, you can connect the calculator to the computer and upload graphing backgrounds!  Being perfectly logical, I put a picture of the Dream's funnel at night as my background!

DCL ships float, they aren't normal, and they're real!

121 Days Until the Most Wonderful Cruise Ever!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Disney Dream Went Back to Castaway Cay?

The Disney Dream and Fantasy were affected by Hurricane Irma.  The Caribbean was affected, and the Bahamas are going to get hit soon.  This includes Castaway Cay.  Why did the Dream go back, when the hurricane was about to hit?  You might not know this, but people actually live on Castaway Cay!  The people living on the island work there.  This includes the lifeguards and the post office staff.  The Dream went back to Castaway Cay to get everyone still on the island.  It got back to Castaway Cay around noon today, and is now on the way back to Port Canaveral.  It should be back in port tomorrow morning.  I think the Dream will dock at the Disney Cruise Line terminal in the morning, let everyone off (except the crew), and go back out to sea.  The Fantasy will be in Port Canaveral tomorrow around 2:00 PM.  I don't think there will be a Horn Battle anymore because the Dream will be gone before the Fantasy gets there.  Sadly, we'll have to wait until November for the next Horn Battle.

As weather happens, more updates will come!

Hurricane Irma Causes Major Changes to the Dream and Fantasy's Iteneraries

Hurricane Irma is affecting many places in the Caribbean, including the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.  It's also affecting the Dream and Fantasy.  Both ships' current iteneraries were changed yesterday because of the huge storm.  They are both headed back to Port Canaveral, and will be there on Thursday, September 7th.  The Dream's current cruise is being shortened by a day, while the Fantasy's current cruise is shortened by two days.Three future cruises are also affected.  The Fantasy's September 9th cruise is cancelled, along with the Dream's September 8th and 11th.  The guests onboard the two shortened cruises will be refunded for the missed days, and also get 25% off a future cruise.  The guests that were going to be on one of next week's cruises that got cancelled will get fully refunded and also get 25% off a future cruise.  Since the Dream and Fantasy will both be in Port Canaveral tomorrow, I'm hoping for a Horn Battle.  A Horn Battle happens when two DCL ships are in port together.  One ship starts a song and the other finishes it.  The video below shows January 2016, when the Magic, Dream, and Fantasy were at sea together.  Sadly, the Wonder wasn't there to enjoy the "family reunion".
On Thursday, I hope the Dream and Fantasy have a Horn Battle, but they might not because of the hurricane.  You can watch the Dream and Fantasy in Port Canaveral tomorrow, Thursday, September 7th here.

After the Dream and Fantasy let all their guests off in Port Canaveral, I think they will go out to sea to a safe place.  At least the Magic and Wonder aren't affected by the storm.

I also don't understand why anyone would would name a hurricane IRMA.  Maybe they ran out of 'I' names.