Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Friendly Port Canaveral Meet-Up!

Today is a special day.  Why?  The Dream and Fantasy are BOTH in Port Canaveral!  The Dream is docked at the DCL terminal while the Fantasy is at another cruise terminal.  Here is a tweet from PTZtv, the company that broadcasts live video of cruise ports:
The Dream & Fantasy in Port Canaveral!
I thought the next Disney Cruise Line ship meet-up would be in November!  When I got home from school, I was surprised with this amazing news.  To watch the two Dream-Class ships, click here.  When the Dream leaves tomorrow afternoon, I hope there's a horn battle!  I wish I was going on the Dream tomorrow!  I'd get to see the Dream & Fantasy in the same trip!

Here's something completely unrelated:  Remember when I was on the Dream in August?  I took some great pictures, and since school started, I wanted a way to remember these pictures.  My answer... a $100 calculator!  I needed a special kind of calculator this year because I'm taking Algebra 1, and for graphing, you can connect the calculator to the computer and upload graphing backgrounds!  Being perfectly logical, I put a picture of the Dream's funnel at night as my background!

DCL ships float, they aren't normal, and they're real!

121 Days Until the Most Wonderful Cruise Ever!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific post, Kieran! I hope they do have a horn battle and I expect to see a report soon of if they did! Keep up the good work - I really look forward to your posts.
