Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hurricane Irma Causes Major Changes to the Dream and Fantasy's Iteneraries

Hurricane Irma is affecting many places in the Caribbean, including the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.  It's also affecting the Dream and Fantasy.  Both ships' current iteneraries were changed yesterday because of the huge storm.  They are both headed back to Port Canaveral, and will be there on Thursday, September 7th.  The Dream's current cruise is being shortened by a day, while the Fantasy's current cruise is shortened by two days.Three future cruises are also affected.  The Fantasy's September 9th cruise is cancelled, along with the Dream's September 8th and 11th.  The guests onboard the two shortened cruises will be refunded for the missed days, and also get 25% off a future cruise.  The guests that were going to be on one of next week's cruises that got cancelled will get fully refunded and also get 25% off a future cruise.  Since the Dream and Fantasy will both be in Port Canaveral tomorrow, I'm hoping for a Horn Battle.  A Horn Battle happens when two DCL ships are in port together.  One ship starts a song and the other finishes it.  The video below shows January 2016, when the Magic, Dream, and Fantasy were at sea together.  Sadly, the Wonder wasn't there to enjoy the "family reunion".
On Thursday, I hope the Dream and Fantasy have a Horn Battle, but they might not because of the hurricane.  You can watch the Dream and Fantasy in Port Canaveral tomorrow, Thursday, September 7th here.

After the Dream and Fantasy let all their guests off in Port Canaveral, I think they will go out to sea to a safe place.  At least the Magic and Wonder aren't affected by the storm.

I also don't understand why anyone would would name a hurricane IRMA.  Maybe they ran out of 'I' names.


  1. Thanks for the great information. I wondered what would happen to the ships. Thanks, dcl Kid.

  2. We were scheduled to go on the Dream cruise that got canceled last October. While it is disappointing to have your cruise canceled, I bet it would be worse to get caught in a huge hurricane.

    You can track the ships on Marine Traffic (This shows the dream):
